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To start this blog off, this blog is different from the first one I did, so this is my opinion about the game. So here we go. Another review blog about a game.

League of Legends, or LoL, is a game where you are facing off with other people world the world, but now in your nation. The max level on LoL is level 30 and that’s where you can do ranked matches. There are characters that you can choose from called champions. Each champion has his or her own abilities and design. Right now, Riot, the creator of League of Legends, is designing and improving the champions they have right now. This is a very high level gaming where it’s just a game at the end of it, but for some people, like myself, wants to do something more with it. Maybe be on a pro team, or even face off with a pro player. Either way, League of Legends can make you in a good player to teamwork.

First of all, the game mechanics of LoL is very hard to explain on paper. You have to play it to understand it. It’s very cool when you play as a champion of your choice, like for me, Teemo is my number one pick for an easy win. Other people think he is weak and useless, but they have never faced me with him at all. In one of my ranked matches, I got  out of nowhere a Penta kill for my whole team. Penta kills are very rare to come by. It’s hard to get them, but you have to be very good with your champion you have been practicing for like 80 hours for two weeks. Getting the items you need and what works best for the team too.

Finally, is teamwork. In this game is very important to a winning team. If one player or players, is trolling or not talking as much or pinging either, then that team is going to lose. But if a good team talks, pings, and listen to each other and have map awareness to each lane of that match, then the team would not have any problems. Here is a video that everyone should watch if you play league of legends:

Overall, I have played League of Legends for about two years now and I am still learning and getting better from each game I play. I do not blame the member on my team at all, but I know we fought well and tried to win it. So next time, if you play League of Legends, think before doing anything. But if you do not know what League is about, look it up, or go to YouTube, or have a friend, who plays, and watch them play. Either way, it’s a new way to find friends and have fun at the same time.

By the way, season 3 of League of Legends will be ending very soon. So be watching it to see who wins season 3 championship. Well bye for now, ^_^.