Years pasting by on Pokemon

Hey everyone,

This is blog is special edition. I will be doing the past games of Pokemon from Red and Blue to X and Y with graphic, game play, and story line. Also including pictures from each game that I will be talking about. So let the story begin with Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow.

Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow

This is where first generation Pokemon begin with 150 Pokemon, not including Mew in the Pokedex. Its where everyone could catch at least 100 of them, but some of them have to be either trade or got from playing Pokemon Stadium. The graphic of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow is third-person view, where players can see their Pokemon rear and their opponent’s Pokemon in front of them. The game play is to travel around all eight gyms and get there badges and beat the elite four and become the Champion. Lastly, is the story line of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. You start at Pallet town and you get your first Pokemon that would be your partner for your journey. During your journey, you face a lot trainers and the Pokemon gang, named Team Rocket. Their goal is to catch very rare Pokemon and use them for evil. After get your seventh badge, you face off the leader of Team Rocket at the eighth gym. After defeating him, he disband Team Rocket for good.

They did remake Red, Blue, and Yellow into Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed.

Next, Pokemon Gold and Silver and they added new things to the world of Pokemon including new Pokemon, systems, and breeding.

Pokemon Gold and Silver

Now Pokemon Gold and Silver added more Pokemon up to 251 to catch and trade, but there is some that you have to get from other players or Pokemon Stadium 2. They added genders like male, female, and unknown. I will let you put 2 and 2 together. You get to breed your Pokemon together get a egg. They also added a real clock to the game, which made it better to catch what pokemon you want. There is a lot information the new system that I would like to say, but I need to get to the point. They also added two new types: Dark and Steel.

Now the graphics is the same from the Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. The game play is the same, but after defeating the elite four and the champion, you can go Kanto to face off the Kanto gym leaders and get total of 16 badges and you can face Pokemon trainer Red at Mt. Silver. Now the story line is the same. You start at New Bark Town to start of your journey and you do the same thing and then you have to beat Team Rocket that is not leaded by the same person from Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow.

They also did a remake of Pokemon Silver and Gold to Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold.

Next, Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire where they just use the same graphics and game play, but the story line is different.

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire story line starts in a new area for change. Like in Johto and Kanto, the Hoenn region is the new region, where all new Pokemon is introduced and after you beat the elite four and champion, you can go to a new area, called Battle Frontier, where you battle tougher trainers to get new badges.

Finally, is Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X, and Y, for the DS and 3DS system.

Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, X, and Y

To make this short, there was no change in the game play. The graphics changed over the years, so its now in a 3D model for it.

League of Legends, its a fun game for the computer


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To start this blog off, this blog is different from the first one I did, so this is my opinion about the game. So here we go. Another review blog about a game.

League of Legends, or LoL, is a game where you are facing off with other people world the world, but now in your nation. The max level on LoL is level 30 and that’s where you can do ranked matches. There are characters that you can choose from called champions. Each champion has his or her own abilities and design. Right now, Riot, the creator of League of Legends, is designing and improving the champions they have right now. This is a very high level gaming where it’s just a game at the end of it, but for some people, like myself, wants to do something more with it. Maybe be on a pro team, or even face off with a pro player. Either way, League of Legends can make you in a good player to teamwork.

First of all, the game mechanics of LoL is very hard to explain on paper. You have to play it to understand it. It’s very cool when you play as a champion of your choice, like for me, Teemo is my number one pick for an easy win. Other people think he is weak and useless, but they have never faced me with him at all. In one of my ranked matches, I got  out of nowhere a Penta kill for my whole team. Penta kills are very rare to come by. It’s hard to get them, but you have to be very good with your champion you have been practicing for like 80 hours for two weeks. Getting the items you need and what works best for the team too.

Finally, is teamwork. In this game is very important to a winning team. If one player or players, is trolling or not talking as much or pinging either, then that team is going to lose. But if a good team talks, pings, and listen to each other and have map awareness to each lane of that match, then the team would not have any problems. Here is a video that everyone should watch if you play league of legends:

Overall, I have played League of Legends for about two years now and I am still learning and getting better from each game I play. I do not blame the member on my team at all, but I know we fought well and tried to win it. So next time, if you play League of Legends, think before doing anything. But if you do not know what League is about, look it up, or go to YouTube, or have a friend, who plays, and watch them play. Either way, it’s a new way to find friends and have fun at the same time.

By the way, season 3 of League of Legends will be ending very soon. So be watching it to see who wins season 3 championship. Well bye for now, ^_^.

Dominion, is it a video game or card-building game?


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Well to start of this blog, Dominion is not a video game, that I know of. This is only my opinion about this game and nothing else.

This game is a deck building game, where you have to buy and play an action each turn. You do not have to play an action or buy anything. At the start of each of your turn, you have to draw five cards. It depends on the hand you got for that turn. And after playing your turn, you have to discard all of your cards from your hand and then draw five more cards. You have to do this until three piles of cards are gone or the Province is gone. That is the only way to end the game. To find out the winner is by counting the green cards, or Victory cards, in your deck and the one who have the highest points is the winner.

To depend on the next move you do in Dominion is seeing what your opponent plays and get during his/her turn. The thought of what you get is up to the player. Sometimes you can buy a lot of money for three turns and then buy something in the middle for two. It depends all to you. For me is different. I wanted to get what works for me in my deck. I work buy a lot of money at the middle of game, but have a lot of actions and attacks to my opponent. And then work on my victory cards by buying once in a while. I think differently from other players, like I have to see what they have to play first to counter what they may do in the future turns.

The game mechanics is very easy to understand. You just to have built your deck from the cards in the middle and try to balance it out where you have money, victory cards, and action. Sometimes you may deal with the curse card, which you have to find a way to balance that out too.

Overall, dominion is a very fun game to play with your friends, family, or even people who wants to know how to play it. It’s just when you have find out each players move.

To end this blog on a good note, League of Legends has now enter the championship this month and it will go until October. So there will be a championship skin, but they have said which champion its going to be and its my favorite champion as a support champion, so its the soul taker, Thresh. So better be on the look out for this once in a lifetime skin.

Well I am signing off for today. Bye, :).

Introduction the game guide to the everyone.


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This is my first blog, so here goes. I’m will be posting my opinion about the game that I have played or the review on new or upcoming games. Everyone have there own opinion and everything. Well I will be posting about League of Legends also.

Well the Season 3 of League of Legends is coming to the end and everyone is getting up to the right tier for next season and getting to see who is going to be season 3 champs.

So I am leaving you with a video on YouTube, which is the funniest of them all.